Thank you for your feedback
Volevo scriverti queste 2 righe in primis per ringraziarvi come sempre per l’ottimo lavoro e l’ottima organizzazione.
Il torneo di Bowling è stato per noi un vero successo; ci piace sempre di più, l’ambiente è gioviale e (nonostante la diversità di età ecc.) abbiamo passato giornate davvero piacevoli e circondati da splendide persone.
Per noi quindi il Bowling sta diventando davvero il torneo n. 1 😊
Igor (Riva Black Sharks, Switzerland)
If I should describe the tournament in one word…it is AMAZING. I’ve spent some wonderful days with nice persons, full of great bowling and joy.
Diana (IDM Team, Romania)
This tournament goes trough borders, it doesn‘t matter where you‘re from! Focus is to have fun together!! Thank you for having us.
Thanks Thanks Thanks to Prague’s Barrel organising team for an amazing days. Thank you so much! You all made us feel so welcome. Thanks to introducing me in my first Prague‘s Barrel Bowling Tournament! You were amazing guys!
Zornitsa (Bulgaria)
One more time Thank you for perfect organization team : Barbara, Iva, Sofie, Martin, Barbora 🤩🥳You were great🏆Special thank’s for Steffen for music, dance and atmosphere during the all tournament 😜
Already miss you all and hope to see you next year🍀
Ein Dankeschön an
Martin, Sofie und Barbara für die
toll organisierte Veranstaltung, es hat eine menge Spaß gemacht neue Freunde kennen gelernt.
Auf ein Wiedersehen freut sich das Team
Die SG Stern Sachsen bedankt sich bei Barbara, Sofie, Martin, Iva und Barbora für das toll ausgerichtete Turnier um das Prager Fässchen. Wir hoffen das wir uns alle nächstes Jahr gesund und munter wieder sehen und feiern können.
Hello Sofie,
thank you very, very much for this great Tournament!!!!!
It was one of the best Tournaments that we ever played, the Organisation and all other was perfect.
Please tell Nikola again that she is the best JJ.
We see us next Year, guaranteed and an I am happy to see you again !!
Hallo Prag,
Wir haben das Wochenende in Prag in sehr guter Erinnerung.
Ein Dank an das ganze Team das bei der Organisation der Veranstaltung geholfen hat.
Das Turnier war perfekt geplant und organisiert, genauso wie die Abendveranstaltungen!!!!!!
Wenn Ihr so weitermacht wird es bestimmt in ein paar Jahren ein riesiges Event, zu dem wir, wie auch viele andere betimmt immer wieder gerne anreisen und mitmachen werden.
Macht weiter so !!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sophie!
Thank you for your Mail…and YESSS…we still remember this great weekend!
How can we forget this perfect organized Tournament! Your care was always nice and warm…just perfect! :-*
We are looking forward to next year…if the world is not going down…we will meet eachother again!
Dobrý den our friends, we would like to thank all of You involved in
making this tournament a wonderful happening .
Everything was very well organized, free tap beer can´t be better for us Swedish vikings so we ought to have an extra price for heavy consumption . Next time we will also focus some on bowling aswell.
We especially appreciated the joy and kindness everyone from Your team showed all the time. An extra hug to Teresa, the Czech sunshine .
Folke, Stig, Åke, Ronny och Göran.